Thursday 22 October 2015

Be kind and confident + Strength in Numbers Tag!

Be kind and confident
Hey everyone!
Recently I watched old Bethany Mota videos about bullying and they taught me even more than that. Bethany talked about how you should react if your bullied; don't fight back, be kind. And it really made me think about how I do fight back, and how I let my frustration take over. So I thought I would share her videos to help you in more than 1 way, as well as talk about it a bit myself.

Friday 16 October 2015

Filterless Photos

Hey everyone!
I am writing this post because a. I don't know what else to do, b. I think its great to think about this more and c. I try to set it in stone here (doesn't work too often). So what am I talking about? Using Instagram filters of course..

While scrolling through YouTube seeing what video to watch next I came across a video called Filters by The Halfway Point (a blogger I love!), it was a spoken word poem about social media and living in real life, you have to check it out. It really reminded me of the spoken word poem called Look Up, which I had to look at again.

Now I know this is not what they suggested but it's a small step in the right direction, when I post photos to Instagram I'm not going to edit it (other than crop) to make it look better, I'm going to leave it as is.

When people post photos on Instagram, they chose the best parts to photograph so already its not real, then they add filters to make it look 'better' but what they actually do is make it look less real.

Unlike other challenges I have tried, I don't actually have to do anything. Like seriously it's easier and quicker to post photos now I don't edit them, I have actually been posting more frequently too and it doesn't even feel like it!

So I challenge you to post unedited photos to see how much easier it is. It's actually kind of freeing, even though I hardly edited my photos before!

Have a good day and don't forget to check out my Instagram @it'sRubyDean :D
Ruby xx

Monday 12 October 2015

My 15th Birthday!

My Birthday lunch (left) and my surprise Blythe lunch (right)
Hello everyone, long time no see!

So today I'm doing a quick post about my birthday because I really don't have the urge to talk about it a lot but I thought I would update you will my age. 3 weeks ago on the 27th of September I turned 15, I had an awesome time celebrating on the day and days before and after.