Monday 31 August 2015

I'm Upside-down

Hey everyone!
Lately I have been really working on handstands. I used it fear handstands and now I love doing them. I have 0 arm muscles so doing them is a challenge but once I'm up (and balancing) its so exciting! I usually fall because I'm so excited.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Thursday is Art Day

Hey fellow readers!
Guess what?! Well while searching on Gumtree (P.S. this never actually happens) I came across an awesome looking World Globe for $20! I have a weird thing about world globes, they are just the coolest things it have in your room, like hello a mini Earth in your room. Anyways, I told mum I would love it for my birthday and we reached out to the owner, then bam! We were picking it up the next day. Magical.

Saturday 15 August 2015

My Experience Crocheting a Blanket

Hey Everyone!
In my last post I talked about making a youtube video, and today I want to show it to you! I am a bit awkward in it but what can you expect I am a blogger not a YouTuber :D Well Here it goes:

Friday 14 August 2015

I've been gone

Hey everyone,
As you can tell I haven't been around for a while (8 or so weeks) and today I want to let you know why.
I have been blogging for around 3 years and the past year has felt like a chore That's probably why not many people enjoyed reading my posts, because I didn't enjoy writing them. I have tried 'fixing' my blog to make it more readable and even to make it more enjoyable for me but nothing has really changed.
After I figured out what was really wrong I wanted to stop blogging completely and make videos for YouTube. For 7 (ish) weeks I didn't have the guts to film a video, I knew what I wanted to talk about but still didn't. One day last week I finally did it. But I was so nervous I didn't actually say anything I wanted too talk about. The next day I wrote down everything I wanted to talk about and filmed it again, it still wasn't perfect and I was really upset by that, but after a while a figured out that it didn't matter how many times I filmed it, it is my first video (that I talk in) and it is supposed to be bad and I'm not supposed to be comfortable around a camera.
I now know how hard it is to film a video. Lets rephrase that, I now know hard how it is to talk to a camera while filming. I can't talk properly to real life or even type properly for that matter.
So this post has been a mash up of my thoughts that probably make no sense what so ever but I really had to get it out and let you know what happened.
I would like to slowly return to blogging about everyday day stuff and not have to plan anything. As much as I love planning and designing this blog I really want to focus on what I write about.
Something I hoping to write about closely in the future is DIY hair and skin stuff as I have been researching it a lot for school, let me know what you think of that.
I congratulate you if you read all of that and somewhat understood it I meant.
Thanks for reading this odd post and I hope to be back again soon :)