Wednesday 30 December 2015

My Blythe 2015 Christmas Stop Motion

Hey everyone!
So I did say I was making a Blythe Christmas stop motion but I didn't finish it before Christmas which is what I wanted. The reason for this is because I bought I new doll at the start December and I wanted her in the video but she came on Christmas Eve and I didn't have time to do it then. Also for Christmas I got a new tripod which is as tall as me so I can take better photos in there lounge room (which is about shoulder height). Well now thats done, here it is(!):

It took a while but I love how it turned out!
Hopefully next year I can do it again and see how much I have improved!
This is my Blythe family with 1 exception, Vamprierna is my mums doll (hence the name). But I wanted to put her in here because she is in the same house and should be included. Also its more even :P
While your here, meet Jessie (aka Mod Molly) my newest girl, the only of 2015 and my first SBL (I'm super excited about that!), she will have a seperate post all about her but I wanted to talk about her this year too :D

I was supposed to post this a few days ago when it wasn't so close to the new year but I did other stuff.. Oops!

I won't be posting anymore posts this year so I would like to wish you a Very Happy New Year!! I hope you celebrate well, I don't think we will be doing anything fancy this year but you never know.

Happy New Year!
See you next year,
Ruby xx

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Bells New Dress

Hello again!
Here is my Blythe stop motion movie I talked about in my last post! I'm quite happy with it but one thing that I have to work on is the lighting, the best I get is during the day but that changes a lot so the videos lighting changes a lot more than I would like it too. Anyway, I hope you like it, it was hard to make because its my first blythe stop motion in a while :)

I would like to make a stop motion video next year using play-doh or clay I think it would be really fun. Also I highly recommend checking out this video about the SpongeBob Stop Motion Christmas special, its really cool!

And I am working on a Christmas one too. Its going pretty good so far, I got the first 2 scenes done and have to do some more so get ready for that next week sometime (hopefully!!)

Well until next time,
Ruby xx

Friday 11 December 2015

Our Trip to Canberra

Its finally here, yay! This is the video I told you about in my last post, the one I made while in Canberra sight seeing. I really wanted to video it so I could look but and see what we did those few days and remember. But this is my first proper 'travel' video so I'm still learning how to do it un-awkardly and not move so much, I'm still really happy with it and I like that I can look back to see how bad I was one day :)

I had heaps of fun there (minus the sore feet and legs) and can't wait to go back another day and visit the places we missed.

I'm not making this offical or anything, but I would like to make a Blythe Christmas video because I'm really into videos at the moment and I think it would be fun! Before I do that though, I will be sharing a non-christmasy Blythe video because I made it before going to Canberra and really want to share it before next year (OMG too close). Also I have a bit more school stuff to finish up (ahhh) before I can start making it so thats why I might not make it soon.

Thanks for watching,
Ruby xx

Wednesday 2 December 2015


I have been gone for a while because mum and I went on a trip to Canberra for a week and I filmed it and wanted to put the video up before I posted anything else, and editing the video wasn't top of the list. But as you can see that didn't happen because this is not that video, this is about something more.. how do a say this.. more serious? more wrong? more rude? anyway you'll find out. Today I want to talk about judging people

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Ivy's 3rd Birthday and How she's changed my life

Hey Everyone!
On Friday the 6th of November my Blythe Doll Ivy had her 3rd birthday. This is something very special to me because she is my first Blythe doll and I have have Blythe dolls for as long as I've had her. Also, I started my blog because of Blythe dolls which means I have also been blogging for 3 years!

Friday 6 November 2015

No 'Poo • What I use

Hey everyone
Since my last no poo post I have changed what I use and I love love love it! My hair is looking great, doesn't get super knotty and is soft, they are my top 3 hair wants. So today I'm going to explain what I use, why it works for me and give you the recipe if you think your hair is a good candidate. If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about and think I use poo in my hair (I don't) then check out my first post about no poo.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Be kind and confident + Strength in Numbers Tag!

Be kind and confident
Hey everyone!
Recently I watched old Bethany Mota videos about bullying and they taught me even more than that. Bethany talked about how you should react if your bullied; don't fight back, be kind. And it really made me think about how I do fight back, and how I let my frustration take over. So I thought I would share her videos to help you in more than 1 way, as well as talk about it a bit myself.

Friday 16 October 2015

Filterless Photos

Hey everyone!
I am writing this post because a. I don't know what else to do, b. I think its great to think about this more and c. I try to set it in stone here (doesn't work too often). So what am I talking about? Using Instagram filters of course..

While scrolling through YouTube seeing what video to watch next I came across a video called Filters by The Halfway Point (a blogger I love!), it was a spoken word poem about social media and living in real life, you have to check it out. It really reminded me of the spoken word poem called Look Up, which I had to look at again.

Now I know this is not what they suggested but it's a small step in the right direction, when I post photos to Instagram I'm not going to edit it (other than crop) to make it look better, I'm going to leave it as is.

When people post photos on Instagram, they chose the best parts to photograph so already its not real, then they add filters to make it look 'better' but what they actually do is make it look less real.

Unlike other challenges I have tried, I don't actually have to do anything. Like seriously it's easier and quicker to post photos now I don't edit them, I have actually been posting more frequently too and it doesn't even feel like it!

So I challenge you to post unedited photos to see how much easier it is. It's actually kind of freeing, even though I hardly edited my photos before!

Have a good day and don't forget to check out my Instagram @it'sRubyDean :D
Ruby xx

Monday 12 October 2015

My 15th Birthday!

My Birthday lunch (left) and my surprise Blythe lunch (right)
Hello everyone, long time no see!

So today I'm doing a quick post about my birthday because I really don't have the urge to talk about it a lot but I thought I would update you will my age. 3 weeks ago on the 27th of September I turned 15, I had an awesome time celebrating on the day and days before and after.

Monday 7 September 2015

Going No Poo

Still experimenting, some days look better than others, this is a bad day. It also may be a bit wet..
Hey everyone! 

For the past.. I dont' even know, I have been experimenting with No 'Poo. And no I don't mean poo, I mean shampoo. I don't use shampoo.

Friday 4 September 2015

It was an accident

Hey everyone!
So I may have changed the design a bit.. just a little *face scrunches*. It was an accident I promise! Basically me and my OCD wanted to put the nav bar below the header, don't you think that would be easy? Thats what I thought! Obviously it wasn't. When I put in the scrolling nav bar, blogger had a fit and my layout thing didn't save, blah blah blah annoying techy stuff. 

Also I had this: -->, and there was not one thing anywhere that said how to remove it and keeping it stuffed up the whole design (at least to me and my OCD). So I created a new blog and copied its code over to see if that would work. BAM! If I wasn't sitting in bed when it happened I would of jumped up and down so much! I still can't believe it worked.

So then after doing that I had to redesign the blog and I thought why not go for a bright happy design. I'm really into those colours at the moment. I'm still not sure on everything but I really shouldn't think to hard about it :P

I have some more posts planned soon so stick around for them and let me know what you think of the design :)

Byyyeee! Ruby xx

Monday 31 August 2015

I'm Upside-down

Hey everyone!
Lately I have been really working on handstands. I used it fear handstands and now I love doing them. I have 0 arm muscles so doing them is a challenge but once I'm up (and balancing) its so exciting! I usually fall because I'm so excited.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Thursday is Art Day

Hey fellow readers!
Guess what?! Well while searching on Gumtree (P.S. this never actually happens) I came across an awesome looking World Globe for $20! I have a weird thing about world globes, they are just the coolest things it have in your room, like hello a mini Earth in your room. Anyways, I told mum I would love it for my birthday and we reached out to the owner, then bam! We were picking it up the next day. Magical.

Saturday 15 August 2015

My Experience Crocheting a Blanket

Hey Everyone!
In my last post I talked about making a youtube video, and today I want to show it to you! I am a bit awkward in it but what can you expect I am a blogger not a YouTuber :D Well Here it goes:

Friday 14 August 2015

I've been gone

Hey everyone,
As you can tell I haven't been around for a while (8 or so weeks) and today I want to let you know why.
I have been blogging for around 3 years and the past year has felt like a chore That's probably why not many people enjoyed reading my posts, because I didn't enjoy writing them. I have tried 'fixing' my blog to make it more readable and even to make it more enjoyable for me but nothing has really changed.
After I figured out what was really wrong I wanted to stop blogging completely and make videos for YouTube. For 7 (ish) weeks I didn't have the guts to film a video, I knew what I wanted to talk about but still didn't. One day last week I finally did it. But I was so nervous I didn't actually say anything I wanted too talk about. The next day I wrote down everything I wanted to talk about and filmed it again, it still wasn't perfect and I was really upset by that, but after a while a figured out that it didn't matter how many times I filmed it, it is my first video (that I talk in) and it is supposed to be bad and I'm not supposed to be comfortable around a camera.
I now know how hard it is to film a video. Lets rephrase that, I now know hard how it is to talk to a camera while filming. I can't talk properly to real life or even type properly for that matter.
So this post has been a mash up of my thoughts that probably make no sense what so ever but I really had to get it out and let you know what happened.
I would like to slowly return to blogging about everyday day stuff and not have to plan anything. As much as I love planning and designing this blog I really want to focus on what I write about.
Something I hoping to write about closely in the future is DIY hair and skin stuff as I have been researching it a lot for school, let me know what you think of that.
I congratulate you if you read all of that and somewhat understood it I meant.
Thanks for reading this odd post and I hope to be back again soon :)

Sunday 21 June 2015

How to Teach Someone to Crochet

How to Teach Someone to Crochet
Every time my mum saw something crocheted she said 'Look Ruby you could do that', but my imaginary to-crochet list was already too full from my ideas (that still don't get done). So 2 years ago I tried to teach mum to crochet and that didn't work out to well, so in this post I have explained what actually happened and have put together some tips for teaching someone to crochet so you don't scare them away for crocheting like I did.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Why did I crochet a cushion?

Crochet Blooming Flower Cushion
You may or may not know that about a year (or so) ago I crocheted a blooming flower cushion, it was the main reason I learn't to crochet, but I never really talked about it here. I mentioned finishing it in a craft post and didn't much about it so today I want to tell you why I made it, how I found out about it and if I will ever do it again.

Monday 8 June 2015

My Winter Essentials

Now that its officially Winter I have decided to show you some of my essentials to keep me warm and happy in winter. Lately here it hasn't even been that cold which but not matter how warm it is, I still use most of these.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

May 2015

May 2015
Wow, May sure went fast! I can't believe its already gone, and we're nearly half way through the year. I have had an all over the place month, yes it was fun but I was struggling to find out what I really wanted to be doing everyday. Hopefully I have it sorted.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

My Athletic Update

Last time we talked about me exercising I was doing pilates with Blogilates... but I got lazy. It was fun, at times. I just don't think it was really for me, especially because I'm a really un-athletic person and I was never into any kind of sports, so doing something super athletic was a tad weird for me. Now I have started doing something that I believe is better for me and I hope I can keep doing it.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

April 2015

Hey everyone!
Now, I know I have been absent from my blog for a while and I know it's bad but I have a great reason (at least for most). I have made a monthly video from clips of my life and I really like how it turned out! I was inspired to do this by watching Erin's monthly video because they are really awesome! Also I will tell you why I wasn't here if you would like to now, I might just surprise you.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Happy 1st Birthday

If you couldn't already tell it's this blogs first birthday today and I can't believe it! It definitely doesn't feel like its been a year but the calendar isn't lying. I have been blogging for over a year, through different blogs so thats why I have posts over a year old, I want to keep my blogging memories with me as go along and I do regret deleting some posts. Including my first, which I can't even remember.

Thursday 16 April 2015

New Domain and Design?

Okay, so you may notice somethings are a bit different on my blog now and thats what I'm here to talk to you about :) I did let you know on social media that I was doing updates and we would be down, but to be honest I thought a day at most. Turns out, 3 days later it's all done.

Sunday 12 April 2015

My Thoughts on Crocheting a Blanket

Crocheting a Blanket?
Recently I went crazy and thought I would crochet a blanket..
After volunteering at a local aged care Knitting group where half the ladies knitted and the others crocheted (mainly blankets), I really wanted to make a blanket for my room. I remembered seeing a tutorial on a granny stripe blanket by Attic 24 and envisaged it laying on my bed. Today I thought I would tell you my thoughts on crocheting this blanket.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!
I took some Easter photos with my Blythe dolls if you would like to see. If not, have a great Easter and don't overload on chocolate!
The bunting you see in some photos are from Blythe is the Word, a Blythe shop run by my mum and me.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Photographing Stars

Photographing Stars
 Last night I went out to sit with Soldier under the stars and just enjoy the sky. But then I just really wanted to take a photo of it, because like, look at it, it's so gorgeous! Here are my photos:

Thursday 19 March 2015

Decluttering My Clothes

Since it's Autumn, or at least is supposed to be Autumn, I wanted to put all my winter clothes in my room. They were in my mums wardrobe because they couldn't fit in mine... and to actually have them in my room I had to declutter!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Self-Portrait Challenge • Halfway

Hey! I am really having fun with the Thirty-Day Self-Portrait Challenge, and today I'm going to share my first 15 photos and take about it a bit. Please continue reading if you are looking for a photography challenge and go read my first post on the thirty-day challenge.

Monday 2 March 2015

Such a Beautiful Morning

After days of rain and dreariness during the last weeks of summer, the other day had such a beautiful morning. I needed to capture this and thats just what I did.

Saturday 28 February 2015

Meet Syrena + How I 'Updated' Her

Factory Blythe Doll After
Guess what?! I have a new Blythe Doll!! YAY! Her names Syrena and she is a mermaid, because, well, mermaids are awesome! I want to introduce you to her and tell you how I customised her.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

The Thirty-Day Self-Portrait Challenge

For a photography challenge I have decided to accept ‘The Thirty-Day Self-Portrait Challenge’. I found it in A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book, where they took the 365 day self-portrait challenge but toned it down for beginners.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

I've been thinking..

Hi everyone,
Lately I haven't been very social on the web and I'm sorry for that but I have been thinking a lot, especially about my blog and shop and what I want to do with them. I have come to the conclusion that I want to change my blogs 'theme' (if thats what you want to call them), I will still do some things I do now but how I want. I have been making content that I think people would like to read (me included) but I don't like writing that stuff, yes some stuff I love to write about, I get lost in words and end up misspelling half the content (this is probably on of them).

Sunday 15 February 2015

Clean your Room + Keep it That Way

Lately, I have been in need of a clean room and we all know teenagers aren't the best at that, so I have put together a list of things to help you clean your room better and hopefully quicker, as well as simple ways to keep it clean.

Saturday 7 February 2015

NaturalSeren Lip Balm Review

I really enjoy lip balm, I don't think I could live without it, my lips would be SO sore. Anyway, today I have a lip balm review for you all! It's from the wonderful Etsy shop NaturalSeren, she also makes lip scrubs, soaps ect. of goodness :)

Monday 2 February 2015

Felt Fairy Houses

Have you heard of the amazing magazine called Mollie Makes? Well I Love it, I have been collecting them since issue 13. It's full of crafts and handmade things and in one of the latest issues there was a DIY for felt fairy lights.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Small Ways to Improve your Life

Hello Everyone!
Now this might be a bit late for New Years changes, but it doesn't have to be a new year for you to improve your life. These small things are something I believe will improve your life and make you happier, you might not want to do all of them but I recommend trying at least one.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

My Crocheting Journey

Hello everything!
If you know me you will know I love crocheting, it's a main hobby of mine. And if you are new or just want to know a bit more about my journey crocheting then this post is perfect, because that's what it's all about!

Saturday 17 January 2015

My Desk Tour

Hey Everyone!
I decided to re-decorate my desk for the new year, and I really like how it feels now. I also really want to keep my desk clean, this doesn't sound like a lot but trust me it is, so I thought before anything happens I would show you want it's now. Hopefully you like this and get some inspiration from it :)

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Gooey Caramel Cupcakes

So for my first cupcake recipe on this blog I thought I would go easy yet delicious and this is the perfect recipe. As you can see they don't look to great but let my tell you, the taste will make up for anything.

Friday 9 January 2015

New Drop Down Menu

The other day I worked really hard to bring you something amazing! Since I love the look of drop down menus I though I would try out doing one, and it turned out WAY better than I expected. Then I had to try and divide my categories.. that was quite hard :D

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Happy New Year!

I'm SO excited to start a new year! I really want to improve my life more this year as last year wasn't to exciting although it definitely wasn't bad and I am going to work really hard this year!